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Introducing the....

Create a Calmer
Lifestyle Masterclass

Calmer Lifestyle Masterclass Mum on couch

Are you ready to be the cool, calm and collected parent that you have always wanted to be?

You know you want to be able to stay calm and yell less, but have no clue where to begin.


You feel guilty about how often you yell at your children and wish you were able to just stay calm!


For the first time ever, grab my Create a Calmer Lifestyle Masterclass for only $37, and learn even more tools to transform from an overwhelmed, angry, yelling-all-the-time parent to a cool, calm and connected mama!

Calmer Lifestyle Masterclass image of tablet, computer and workbook


Mum of 4 year old

"Nina is an amazing facilitator and has wonderful insight into all areas of mindful parenting. I notice both myself and my son are calmer and can communicate more effectively since doing the Mindful Parenting Course Workshop with Nina."

This masterclass is for you my friend!

I will show you four key tools (that I have embedded into my daily life) to help you enjoy your parenting and start living your calmer life.


😮 You will understand why you yell so much (and that it might not actually be your fault!)


😇 You will be able to remain calm, even in the face of a screaming toddler


🥰 You will be kinder to yourself


Life is busy, I get that, which is why when you buy now you will have instant access to the masterclass and can watch it whenever is most convenient to you. You can even watch it in short bursts if you find it hard to watch in one go!


Bonus Resources


To help you on your calmer lifestyle journey, I will also throw in the following bonus resources....


- Create a Calmer Lifestyle Workbook to complete while you watch the masterclass (valued at $10)

- Five Mindful Moment Recordings teaching you ways to be more mindful in your day (valued at $25)

- My Calming Mantras Template to print and put around your house as a reminder to choose 'calm' (valued at $10)


You will receive ALL of these bonuses + the masterclass recording for only $37!!

Calmer Lifestyle Workbook Mum on bed
Mindful mum sitting on the lawn
About Me

Hi, I'm Nina, mindful mum to three loud and crazy little boys, and Certified Mindful Parenting Coach.

Two years ago, I was a struggling mama who was feeling run down, exhausted and fed up with this 'mum life'. I was sick of my kids not listening to me, sick of them fighting, and sick of the all the yelling coming out of my mouth. I realised that something needed to change.


I enrolled in the Mindful Parenting Course and saw changes in both myself and my kids almost immediately.


Life is easier, quieter and calmer.


I am more aware of my myself and my triggers. I can actually talk about my emotions.


I am able to pause before reacting to a difficult situation, calm myself down and consider it from all angles before reacting


I feel more confident in my ability to raise calm, confident, empathetic, kind and compassionate children.


I really hope that in this short masterclass I can pass on some of the tools that I have embedded into my daily life and routine, which have equipped me to get back into the groove of parenting, to stay calmer for longer, and to enjoy this wild ride we call parenting…..




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