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5 Ways to Create a Peaceful Home Environment using Mindfulness

Writer: Nina VisicNina Visic

Updated: Feb 14

In today’s fast paced world, creating a peaceful home environment has become more important than ever. As parents, we have the power to create a calming atmosphere that nurtures not only ourselves but also our children.

By bringing mindfulness into our daily lives, we can establish a harmonious space where everyone feels safe, connected and supported. In this blog post I will share five practical tips and strategies to help you create a peaceful home environment that promotes mindfulness, enhances family relationships, and fosters a sense of well-being for the whole family.

1. Setting the Tone – Creating a Calming Peaceful Atmosphere.

Creating a peaceful home environment begins with setting the right tone. Begin by decluttering and organising shared spaces – creating an environment that feels calm and inviting.

If you can, incorporate soothing colours and natural elements such as indoor plants, to create a sense of tranquility. Consider implementing sensory designated areas for relaxation, reflection and creativity which allows each family member to have their own space for mindfulness and self-expression, where they can feel completely comfortable.

Decluttering to help with peaceful home

We recently spent time going through the boys’ toys and donating any that they don’t use or play

with anymore. It has made a huge difference. There is more room for them to play, it is easier for them to choose what to play with, and also makes it a whole lot easier to tidy up afterwards! (Have you ever had to tidy up a whole room full of toys? Trust me – it is much easier to tidy up one small box of toys!!)

2. Establishing Daily Rituals and Routines

Consistent routines can bring a sense of stability and security to both parents and children. Establishing mindful daily rituals helps create a predictable structure, promotes mindfulness and encourages meaningful connections within the family. Consider incorporating morning and bedtime routines, mealtime rituals, and technology free zones. Combine these routines with mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing techniques, gratitude rituals, or moments of reflection, to encourage presence and appreciation for each moment.

I love our family bedtime routine. Once the boys are in bed, Mr. 6 chooses a mindful breath from our deck of mindful breathing cards. Mr. 4 and Mr. 2 choose a positive thinking statement from our deck of positive thinking cards. Then together we do a breathing exercise (for example rainbow breath or finger breath) and say our two positive statements (for example ‘I am kind’ or ‘I am capable’.) Then I read them a short story and leave them with a mindful meditation to listen to as they fall asleep.

3. Mindful Communication and Conflict Resolution

This is a big one! Effective communication and conflict resolution are essential for maintaining a peaceful home environment. Practice mindful communication techniques such as active listening, non-judgement, and expressing emotions in a constructive and kind way. Encourage open dialogue, create a safe space for sharing, and teach children empathy and problem-solving skills. By fostering healthy communication patterns, parents can create an environment where everyone feels heard, valued, and understood.

I really make a point to get down to my children’s level when we are talking, especially if we are talking about a problem that they are having. Looking them in the eye, and making space for them to speak, without interruption has really helped our relationships grow.

4. Creating Tech-Free Zones and Digital Detox

While technology has become an integral part of our lives, it can also disrupt the peace and mindfulness in our homes. Create tech-free zones and implement regular digital detoxes. Set boundaries around screen time, create device-free bedrooms, and engage in alternative activities that promote face-to-face interaction and mindful engagement with the present moment. By minimising distractions and fostering a tech-free space, parents can encourage deeper connections and a more peaceful atmosphere at home.

We used to leave the remote control in the lounge room so that the boys could turn the TV on in the morning (and not wake us up). We found that after watching the TV for an hour or two in the morning, they were really grumpy and verrrrry reluctant to turn off the TV. We then made a conscious decision to put the TV remote away in the morning, and only turn it on after lunch, or after going to the park. Once again, this has been awesome in helping them become more mindful – and playing together in the morning rather than sitting next to and ignoring each other.

5. Nurturing Self-Care and Mindfulness Practices

One of our most important roles that we play as parents, is that of the role model. It is crucial that we model self-care and mindfulness practices for our children. Prioritise self-care by engaging in activities like meditation, yoga, journalling or mindful movement.

Nina uses running as a form of self care

Show your children the importance of taking time for yourself to recharge and find balance. By prioritising self-care and mindfulness, parents can cultivate a peaceful and balanced home environment, where everyone’s well-being is nurtured.

I have recently started running again, and I have to say, I feel so good afterwards. It has been so good for me to prioritise this mindful movement – time to think, time to reflect, time to be by myself and work towards my goals!

In summary

Creating a peaceful home environment is an ongoing journey that requires conscious effort. By implementing the tips and strategies discussed in this blog, you can establish a nurturing space where both parents and kids and thrive, fostering deep connections, emotion well-being, and a sense of harmony within the family.

Start small, be consistent, and witness the transformative power of a peaceful home environment. Your mindful approach will create a lasting impact on your family’s well-being and overall happiness.

Can I help?

If you would like some help to implement these tips and strategies, I would like to invite you to join my Mindful Parents Mindful Kids Membership. This membership encompasses mindful parenting lessons (for the parents) and mindfulness classes (for the kids).

The membership will teach you:

  • How to handle your own and your kids' big emotions with ease and grace.

  • To stay in control in even the most challenging of situations (and feel proud of your parenting skills)

  • Feel at peace with the demands of motherhood.

You will be able to build and foster a loving connection with your kids, with a more peaceful and harmonious home environment for your family.


It will teach your kids:

  • Ways to respond when they feel their big emotions.

  • The power of positive thinking to build a strong sense of identity.

  • How to express gratitude and kindness towards themselves and others

Your kids will have the skills to be happy confident kids, who can manage their emotions, even when away from mum and dad.

About Me

Mindfulness Coach Nina Visic

I'm Nina, mum to three loud and rambunctious little boys. I'm also a certified Mindful Parenting Coach and Head and Heart Mindfulness Instructor.

I can totally appreciate how tough parenting is - two years ago, I was a struggling mama who was feeling run down, exhausted and fed up with this 'mum life'.

I began my mindfulness journey when my youngest was born, almost 3 years ago. I went from being stressed out, overwhelmed and quick to anger, to being cool, calm and connected to my kids.

I love being able to share mindfulness with my boys, teaching them the skills to be able to regulate their emotions (like I have done) has to be one of the most satisfying lessons to pass on to them.

I am so excited to have this opportunity to share these same benefits of mindfulness with you and your family!


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